Indonesia’s Newly-Launched Carbon Exchange: Reigniting Climate Commitments?

With the COP28 to commence this coming November, countries are grappling to face what is now known as a “global boiling” point sitting at the heart of the climate crisis. Indonesia is no exception and pressures to realise their seriousness in combating climate change has been a defining narrative of the Jokowi Presidency. The recent launch of the Carbon Exchange hopes to curb such pressures, whilst showing that Indonesia is able to balance economic growth and climate integrity through carbon change.

Indonesia and the Rise of Green Voters: Three Key Points

Back in 2021, a survey found that 82% of Indonesian voters were aware of climate change and its severity. Fast forward to 2023, concerns for the environment in Indonesia have evolved from awareness to activism. As Indonesia’s 2024 general elections looms closer, green voters are poised to capture political momentum and develop a substantive platform that secures a greener future.

Perspektif Profesi Hijau Pejabat Pemerintahan melalui Bingkai Politik Hijau Kelembagaan

Dunia keprofesian dikategorikan sebagai ranah kerja-kerja pribadi maupun kelompok di dalam dunia kerja. Peran masing-masing dari kita di dalam dunia keprofesian salah satunya untuk melakukan suksesi demi tujuan bersama. Profesi hijau yang notabenenya mewarisi tugas mulia dalam megawal keseimbangan alam ketika terjadi perubahan iklim maupun permasalahan ekologi sangatlah harus dikawal bersama dalam kerja-kerja kolaborasi tiap…