Organization Profile
Coaction Indonesia, or Koaksi Indonesia in Indonesian, is a non-profit organization that acts as a network hub and learning hub for innovative solutions and actions contributing to sustainable development throughout Indonesia. We focus on policy advocacy, public campaigns, and building strategic collaborations with various partners, such as policymakers, the private sector and industry, research institutions, educational institutions and universities, academics, civil society organizations (CSOs), community-based organizations (CBOs), and young changemakers, including individuals. The goal is to encourage accelerating an inclusive, just, and sustainable energy transition that will influence changes in other strategic sustainable development sectors, such as transportation, industry, forests and land use, and waste.
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The Coaction Indonesia Foundation was officially established on March 16, 2017, based in Jakarta. The founders of this foundation intend to make a change in the renewable energy sector. Previously, the founders had worked together as a team of experts in the Task Force for Accelerating Renewable Energy Development under the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Sudirman Said (2014–2016). The target of this team is to recommend and encourage policies to increase funding and investment in renewable energy, transfer and disseminate renewable energy technology to all regions of Indonesia, develop human resource capacity, and promote educational breakthroughs. The Task Force was entrusted with gathering stakeholders, attaining common goals, and addressing gaps to achieve this target. With this experience, the founders decided to achieve their vision by forming a non-profit organization using knowledge, skills, and networks from past and present collaborations for Indonesia’s renewable energy future.
To provide a meaningful impact and footprint for the community as beneficiaries, Coaction Indonesia works in stages. It seeks to develop a comprehensive strategy through annual and five-year programs, effective organizational structures, better coordination and governance flow, knowledge management systems, strategic partnerships, and a robust fundraising strategy. Coaction Indonesia does not stop at just being a strategic network node; it continues to expand its role to become a knowledge node for civil society organizations and related stakeholders. Therefore, Coaction Indonesia is developing a comprehensive and up-to-date online knowledge platform about renewable energy and online and offline learning forums so that civil society can exchange experiences and networks, whether focused on advocacy work, campaigns, or working directly in the community.

A leading institution that promotes clean and sustainable energy through actions that ensure a green future for shared prosperity.
To realize the vision, Coaction Indonesia carries out the following missions:
- Encourage policy changes that support equitable, inclusive, and sustainable renewable energy.
- To raise people’s awareness, especially young people, to voice and use renewable energy through direct campaigns, social media campaigns, and mass media engagement.
- Encourage collaboration amongst stakeholders, the business sector, and finance institutions to build a renewable energy industry and ecosystem.
- Strengthen and increase the capacity of non-governmental actors to support and lead the development of renewable energy at both the national and local levels.
- To develop the capacity of Coaction Indonesia as the vanguard of the renewable energy networking and learning node in Indonesia.
To achieve its vision and carry out its mission, Coaction Indonesia carries out strategic roles, which include:
- Become a government partner by providing evidence-based policy recommendations.
- Increase young people’s digital presence and access to green job options in Indonesia.
- Become a leading research institution trusted by various parties and government agencies.
- Build network and learning hubs (knowledge centres) to support clean energy ecosystems.
Organizational Values
- Optimistic: Advocacy narratives and campaigns that are positive, not intimidating, and solution-focused.
- Collaborative: Prioritizes cooperation with various parties.
- Integrity: Being morally responsible for work results and resources used.
- Inclusive: Ensuring representation of vulnerable groups.
- Sustainable: Upholding a balance between economic, environmental, and social aspects.
- Democratic: Based on deliberation and consensus.
Team of Coaction Indonesia

Widhyawan Prawiraatmadja
Chair of the Board of Trustees

Arimbi Heroepoetri
Head of the Supervisory Board

William P. Sabandar
Member of the Board of Trustees

Hakimul Batih
Member of the Supervisory Board

Nur Pamudji
Member of the Board of Trustees

Florentina Madar
Finance Manager

Ridwan Arif
Research and Knowledge Management Manager

Diesna Shabrina
Operations Manager

Fitrianti Sofyan
Communication and Campaign Manager

A. Azis Kurniawan
Policy and Advocacy Manager

Rahayu Setianingrum
Senior Finance Staff

Dwi Tamara
Policy and Advocacy Staff

Salsabila Armitha
Communication and Campaign Staff

Eties Kurniawati
Research and Knowledge Management Officer

Lenny Triana
Writer and Editor

Alfina Damayanti
Operasional Staff

Marsandre Jatilaksono
Website Specialist

Adhi Satyawidi
Social Media Strategist

General Assistant

Fairuz Nurlaily
Staf Magang Komunikasi dan Kampanye